When Words Aren't Enough

For those that know me, I tend to bottle things up inside until the time passes where things go downhill.

I wanted to bring up the topic of words. Words have the power to either bring life or death to a situation. In other words, words can help and hurt others. The power of our tongue can take us places we don't expect to go. Yet, the power of our mind and the power of our tongue work hand in hand. Once a word forms into our mind, it is pretty much inevitable it would be spoken.

But what happens when words aren't enough? To be honest, when I speak to people, I tend to both overthink things and I also tend to stutter. The same holds true with writing. I tend to get so overwhelmed when writing long papers. I tend to go down the rabbit hole while on analysis mode with a topic until I get a second, and sometimes third pair of eyes when I proceed on the final draft.

I would like to think that my careful and overly cautious choices of words would help in the long run, but sometimes, words are not enough. We say things we could never take back.

Maybe this should give us some solace enough to know the struggle is real. The end of the semester is near.


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