All Things New

I remember thinking today during the reflective period about the newness of life.

Recently, I have worked on the Bible reading plan, "Longing Wrongly". I asked myself what I longed for. Well, consistent with the transparent intent of this blog, I should reveal this. Over the past year, I did a lot of soul searching. Just like how sometimes endings may not be what is intended and doors close, new things come to existence.

Apparently, the ending creates a new beginning. Today, I finally decided to let the pain, bitterness, anxiety, sadness, and anger go. Throughout the process, God was healing me from the inside out. It was not easy. Trust the process. It's worth it in the end. We can acknowledge the past and how it affects us, but if we dwell on it, it will be hard to move forward. God sends people even during our lowest points to carry us. God did not promise healing, He promised to be with me throughout these points.

It reminds me about the parable about the how the old passes away and new things come into existence. The Bible tells us: 'He also told them a parable: "No one tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old garment. If he does, he will tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine desires new, for he says, 'The old is good.'" '
Luke 5:36-39 

Now yesterday, I wrote on Facebook about exes, former friends, and old rivals. I wanted to spread some positivity and a different perspective. Like I said, when you see exes, former friends, and old rivals doing well, your only choice is to be happy for them. Not because you are being walked on by any means, but it takes a great deal of understanding and maturity to know why things worked out the way it did, even if it wasn’t happy. There are many complex reasons why friendships and relationships don’t work out and it may be easier to point the finger at them or to blame yourself. Rather, the mature path is to focus on letting the situation go by positive reinforcement and strengthening what makes you unique. By choosing to be happy despite what happened, things will look up. It’s not easy but it’s worth it in the end.

I have seen a lot of Internet blogs and websites talking about toxic relationships, friendships, family members, and other things. Now, I don't believe a person is toxic in and out of itself. Like I said, there are complex reasons why things worked out the way it played out, happy or not. I'm saying this because human beings are complex. There is no simple reason. But we don't need to point the finger at ourselves or other people as it means dwelling on the past and it allows for bitterness to take root at our souls. 

If we as people want to be happy, then we have to let it all go. We have to stop dwelling on the situation and choose to be happy. We have to affirm the good things that we have gained as well as remind ourselves of what makes us unique. We have to strengthen our resolve towards our strengths even if it means acknowledging our weaknesses. After all, we are a work in progress. 


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