All Things New
I remember thinking today during the reflective period about the newness of life. Recently, I have worked on the Bible reading plan, "Longing Wrongly". I asked myself what I longed for. Well, consistent with the transparent intent of this blog, I should reveal this. Over the past year, I did a lot of soul searching. Just like how sometimes endings may not be what is intended and doors close, new things come to existence. Apparently, the ending creates a new beginning. Today, I finally decided to let the pain, bitterness, anxiety, sadness, and anger go. Throughout the process, God was healing me from the inside out. It was not easy. Trust the process. It's worth it in the end. We can acknowledge the past and how it affects us, but if we dwell on it, it will be hard to move forward. God sends people even during our lowest points to carry us. God did not promise healing, He promised to be with me throughout these points. It reminds me about the parable about the how th...