Soul Searching and The Next Chapter

It has been almost a year since my last post. While reading through the previous blog posts I have made, I have realized that I have come so much farther than I did not realize. When I have written "Illusions", I had quit journalism and life was falling apart. I have since moved on from the experience and looked back with a smile.

Yet, there are things that happened in college that are beyond my control. When I started my second year at Union College, I was an education major. I wanted to teach high school students. Due to events that were not of my control, I ended my career as an education major and am now continuing on as an English major. This was completely unexpected. Although life is not falling apart at the same capacity as it did when I quit journalism, there is still somewhat of a grudge and resentment.

During my time as an education major, I was frustrated beyond belief. I lost a part of myself that I could not get back. I also have wasted two years on time and energy on a field where I have not gotten adequate support. I admit, I am somewhat bitter about the outcome, but I can't change the minds of those that made the decision to reject me. Now that my path has changed, it is time to do some soul searching. Who am I? What purpose do I have?

As I look back at my time at education, I realize that only I have the power to improve who I am without letting others make me feel like I am inadequate. Now is the time for me to develop my backbone and my voice through this new journey.


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