Goodbye, short summers, hello long college summers!

Since I don't have to go back to school until August 25 (except for the fact that I have to go to UCE activities starting August 16), this summer for me should be a time of reflection.

Promotion Sunday was an effortless transition. The College/Career class I'm in now, is a co-ed small group for college students. Bible lessons will be completely different than high school. The only takeaway is that when fall semester rolls around, I may have nothing to do on Wednesdays besides worship praise team practice, and sometimes nursery.

I'm also getting my health back on track, since senior year was obviously the early Freshman 15.

AP Scores come out in the first full week of July. I'm honestly nervous, but this past year I only took two exams in favor of having an easier senior year and still managed to graduate with the distinction Distinguished with Highest Honors.

Hopefully, the rest of the summer will be smooth sailing. At least I think it will.


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