3 Months...and Counting

In about three months, my time as a Corbin High School student will come to an end. When I look at the past four years, I have lost and gained friends. I had a few obstacles that caused me to stumble spiritually.

While the youth is preparing to go to discipleship camp in Fort Walton Beach, I attempt to brace myself for what's to come on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This time, I am adamant on my refusal to participate in youth activities, especially since I have made a promise last year that I have broken. This year, I have a different mindset. I don't have to do what everyone else is doing, nor that I don't have to post what I'm doing with the youth on social media like I've seen people at youth do.

Maybe I'm distancing myself from the fun and games. Maybe I'm bracing myself for the tough times to come in college. Maybe I'm experiencing the tough times as of now. Maybe I'm just trying to match up my actions in private with my actions in public.

Or maybe, I'm just getting annoyed with all the social media posts about youth events and all that jazz. Maybe I'm just waiting for that one moment when I graduate out of youth group and settle into college and young adult ministry. Maybe I'm just suffering from senior-itis without even knowing and it's worse than what it already is.

Three months. A summer break after graduation. I guess I better make the most of it.


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